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Leads from our Data sets may not be real-time, but you’ll still find value in reaching out to thousands of high-intent purchasers across multiple industries.

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Case Study

Clearlink and PX

Clearlink Zeroed in on their best lead sources to reach open enrollment goals. They were able to generate CPAs of 44% below their original target levels.


News & Insights

Ping Post: A Crash Course

Ping post technology is already one of the most powerful ways of buying leads today. It is used prominently in a growing number of verticals. If you’re new to ping post, you’re probably asking yourself what all the fuss is about?


Case Study

Spring Venture Group

Open Enrollment is the main event for insurance marketers every year. It’s a period where results are vital to overall success, and it’s an example that clearly shows the power of sales disposition data and…

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