Email Disclaimer

PX is a marketing name used by PX, Inc, its related entities, and its subsidiaries.

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PX does not guarantee that communications transmitted electronically are secure, accurate or complete as information could be intercepted, tampered with, corrupted, lost, destroyed, or delayed or could contain malicious content. Although this message and any attachments are believed to be free of any malicious content or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is free of malicious content. By messaging with PX, you understand and accept all risks associated with electronic communications.

PX does not accept any responsibility for the contents of any electronic communication or for any delays, inaccuracies, or omissions in the transmission of information to PX and disclaims all liability to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law for any loss, damage, or delay arising from any reliance on or use of this message in any way.

Any electronic communication conducted within or through PX’s systems is subject to monitoring, review, retention and external production in order to comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requests, for risk management or operational purposes; may be stored or otherwise processed in countries other than the country in which you are located; and will be treated in accordance with PX’s policies and applicable laws and regulations.

Pixel tags (which are typically one-pixel, transparent images located in an email or other message), or similar technologies may be used in some of our digital communications. These are principally used to help us measure engagement. Please notify the sender or if available, use the unsubscribe function if you do not wish to receive further similar emails.

Opinions, conclusions, and other information in this email that do not relate to the official business of PX, Inc, shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PX, Inc or its parent and subsidiary companies.